This website was designed to view WWII through the eyes and thoughts of a kid from Brooklyn, New York.  Sal “Lucky” Sorrentino was my dad and through his photographs and comments we wanted to reflect how a typical American who entered a world war back in the 1940’s felt and how he dealt with what he lived through. This is his story but I’m sure it represents many if not all of our men & women who endured the traumatic effects of WWII.

While watching the videos, you will hear comments from Sal Sorrentino. These comments are not scripted or planned but instead, we asked him about certain times of his life back then and recorded his thoughts. The amazing thing about hearing his story is that one needs to understand that in 1986 my dad had a stroke that caused him to lose his short term memory. He basically had to be taught to write and talk all over again and still today he’ll call us by different names because he gets confused. But when he was asked to talk about what happened during his war years he spoke with such detail, as you will hear in the videos, you would think it happened yesterday and not almost 70 years ago.

The basic theme for this website was to record the thoughts and insights of what my dad went though during those difficult and uncertain days of WWII. But as we went through the process of finding the video scenes related to fit his comments we realized that by creating this website, it is truly dedicated to the memory of all the men & women of WWII who fought, sacrificed and gave everything they had to secure our freedom. I am proud to know that my dad was a member of the “Greatest Generation.”  

Salvatore Sorrentino

April 29, 2013

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